These tips are more effective for making a lifelong battery in your clock. Which helps to use the clock without changing the battery. A simple circuit makes your clock lifelong. The main content for making a lifelong battery is the bc547 transistor and 10k resistor (1/4watts)-2nos and a battery such as a laptop battery, emergency battery or smartphone battery can use. Initially take that resistor and one of the edges of the named collector and other named emitter.
The first step to solder or connect with the collector and base of bc547 transistor with a resistor. The second 10 k resistor should attach the base after that the negative side of the battery should connect to the collector edge and the other positive side should connect to the resistor edge. This circuit simply attach. Then check the voltage of this battery for the check to good to work. 3.7 is the voltage range for using that battery.
The 1.5V is the output voltage for usage. The output will take from the emitter. The negative portion is the common point. After all, take the clock battery side and clean with san paper with the edge of the battery connection portion. After that, we should connect our circuit with the negative and positive side to the clock. 3.7 to 4.2 voltage will get from these circuits and now the clock works well. If your charge becomes gonna be low you can charge then use with much more days.
The following videos gives detailed information for making lifelong battery